We will be closed Monday 12/25 and Monday 1/1. Have a happy and safe holiday!
(229) 247-1345 | 2608 Bemiss Road | Valdosta, GA 31602-1402
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Family Owned & Operated Since 1974

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Auto Services

Don’t your car troubles get you down; Tire King is here to build up your vehicle and your spirit! We offer fantastic services, like brake repair, air conditioning services, and engine diagnostics , for incredible prices. Our team of dedicated technicians are well-equipped to handle your car’s most stubborn issues. Come visit us today to learn more!

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Welcome to
Tire King

Tradition is an important tie that binds individuals, families, and whole communities together through generations. We find ourselves through the traditions we value, and maintain as the years pass by, and one of the most enduring traditions on our country is that of family- owned enterprise. At Tire King, we keep our legacy of a family owned and operated auto shop strong by providing quality products and services to our friends, neighbors, and whole community. We don’t skimp on the substance; Tire King gets the job done, and done well, for all of our valued patrons.

Whether you are looking for brake repair, air conditioning services, engine diagnostics or more, then we’re here to bring you the service you need. Come visit us if you are near Valdosta, GA, Hahira, GA, Lake Park, GA, or surrounding areas. We look forward to helping you with all of your automotive and tire needs.

Mastercraft Tires Nitto Tires Toyo Tires
Toyo Tires

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Phone: (229) 247-1345
Address: 2608 Bemiss Road
Valdosta, GA 31602
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